acoperire națională-UK

Sfaturi și trucuri pentru operarea unui buldozer pe șantier.

Bulldozers are used to push and excavate dirt and debris at a construction site or mining quarries as such they are very important on-site especially, as they are extremely important on-site and must need the best and most skilled operators to use them safely and efficiently. As such, below are several tips and tricks to help operators get a sense of how the machine should look, feel and sound.

Doze front to back


If you’re looking to maximise productivity and decrease undercarriage wear, it is recommended that dozers should work front to back. This technique will limit the amount of time you spend operating the machine in reverse. The less time you spend driving backwards, the more you can slow down, and wear on the track.

Keep an eye on track tension


Remember that they’re constantly in contact with whatever you’re pushing, grading or spreading. If the tracks are too loose or too tight, you risk throwing the track while putting premature wear on the carrier rollers, frame and power train. It’s also a safety issue. Track tension can wear up to three times faster than it would normally. 50 precent of undercarriage wear can be reduced by maintaining proper track-chain tension.

Use shortcuts


A dozer blade can only hold a finite amount of dirt, if you can continue to push forward after the blade is full, the dirt will fall to the sides of the blade. Furthermore, with a large load of dirt and a long route, you may be wasting an unnecessary amount of fuel and could wear out the dozer. Every bulldozer, no matter how small or big it is, should be able to accumulate a full blade load within two tractor lengths or less.

Work on slopes


Operating a dozer on an up hillside can be extremely dangerous and hazardous to the operator’s health. As such, it is recommended that Dozer operators work slowly on slopes and keep attachments low. It’s also suggested that Dozers should work up and down on slopes in order to prevent rollovers.

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