What is a Crane Supervisor Course?
A crane supervisor course provides the skills and knowledge necessary for a crane supervisor to work at appropriate level of competence, safely and productively, as specified by the CPCS (Construction Plant Competence Scheme).
A crane supervisor is a person responsible for supervising lifting operations and for following the plan prepared by the Appointed Person.
Crane supervisors in the UK earn on average £39,000.
Crane Supervisor Course Details:
The crane supervisors training courses typically take between 4 to 5 days to complete, depending on the candidate’s experience and the pace at which they progress.
At CPTS, we offer Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) Crane/Lifting Operations Supervisor courses.
Slinger Signaller and Crane Supervisor courses and certification can be usefully combined to provide a broader skill set which will enable you to get more and better paid work involving a variety of operations.
Our crane supervisor course instructors will teach you all the essential skills needed to obtain the CPCS Crane Supervisor red card, required by the vast majority of construction companies.
The crane supervisor training course includes the following elements:
- Legislație și coduri de practică.
- Roles and responsibilities of the crane supervisor as well as other people involved in lifting operations.
- Cranes types, their characteristics and terminology.
- Lifting accessories and their role.
- Planning and preparing a lifting operation.
- Assessment and examination of lifting equipment.
- Tehnici de încărcare cu praștia.
- Communication and controlling in lifting operations.
- Hazards in lifting operations.
Completion of the crane supervisor course:
The completed crane supervisor training course ends with a theoretical and practical test. Successful candidates obtain the CPCS Trained Operator crane supervisor card. This is also known as the CPCS red card, and is the first step in accreditation, issued for a non-renewable two-year period.
O acreditare mai avansată, cardul de operator competent, cunoscut și sub denumirea de card albastru CPCS, poate fi obținută prin acumularea a 300 de ore de experiență la locul de muncă înregistrate și aprobate în jurnalul CPCS și prin finalizarea evaluării NVQ de nivel 2 în termen de 2 ani de la data eliberării cardului roșu. Cardul albastru CPCS este valabil timp de cinci ani și poate fi reînnoit.
Aveți deja cartonașul roșu?
Get in touch to find out how we can help you get a crane supervisor CPCS blue card.
To book your crane supervisor training course, or to check current crane supervisor training costs, click on the most convenient location from the list.
Why should you complete your crane supervisor training with us?
- Instructorii profesioniști și prietenoși vă vor învăța tot ce trebuie să știți pentru a lucra folosind un încărcător telescopic în siguranță și productiv.
- Zonă mare de instruire și flotă modernă de utilaje, pentru a vă face instruirea cât mai confortabilă și eficientă posibil.
- Abordare flexibilă, individuală a formării.
- Nu este necesară experiență: vă puteți începe instruirea cu manipulatorul telescopic ca un începător absolut. Nici măcar nu aveți nevoie de un permis de conducere.
- Lowest crane supervisor training prețuri in the UK – guaranteed. If you find the same course cheaper elsewhere, we will match the price.